
Kaffihús Vesturbæjar

218 orang tempatan mengesyorkan,

Tip daripada penduduk tempatan

September 18, 2022
A cosy local coffeeshop in walking distance across from the swimming pool. I recommend their brunch menu 😊
September 6, 2022
A cafe where locals often go. Not rare to see the singer Björk who leaves in the neighborhood
August 21, 2022
A favourite with locals- coffee house and restaurant at night.
August 3, 2022
Delicious food and relaxed atmosphere at this bistro. Recommend visiting after a swim in Vesturbæjarlaug :)
Halla & Siggi
June 24, 2022
Great cafe close to the pool.

Aktiviti unik yang boleh dilakukan sekitar kawasan ini

The Funky History Walk - Dengan pencerita tempatan
Pendakian gunung berapi geologi
Lawatan Pencinta Makanan Reykjavik

Penduduk tempatan juga mengesyorkan

20 Melhagi
Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg