House of Views Emergency contacts

House of Views Emergency contacts

Emergency phone numbers

Fire department for La Fortuna, phone number: +506-2479-1553
Estacion De Bomberos La Fortuna
Calle 468
Fire department for La Fortuna, phone number: +506-2479-1553
Open 24 hours, the Tourist Police (policy created to protect tourists while in the country) phone is +506 2479 7257
Policía Turística De La Fortuna
Open 24 hours, the Tourist Police (policy created to protect tourists while in the country) phone is +506 2479 7257
In Costa Rica there are different types police, this is one is for transportation, any kind car accidents this the number to call: +506 2479 9994
Delegacion de Transito La Fortuna
In Costa Rica there are different types police, this is one is for transportation, any kind car accidents this the number to call: +506 2479 9994