Cadangan akan ditunjukkan selepas menaip dalam input carian. Gunakan anak panah atas dan bawah untuk menyemak. Gunakan enter untuk memilih. Jika pemilihan adalah frasa, frasa itu akan dimasukkan ke carian. Jika cadangan adalah pautan, penyemak imbas akan menavigasi ke halaman tersebut.

Jika tetamu tidak menjawab permohonan perubahan perjalanan anda

An unresponsive guest can be a little nerve-racking, but try not to worry. If your guest doesn’t respond to your trip change request, the reservation details will remain as is.

When to send a message

Because your guest’s reservation was already confirmed, a trip change request may come as a surprise to them. To ensure they have time to consider your changes, there’s no time limit for their response.

That said, if your request is important or urgent, send a message reminding them to accept or decline it. You can also try canceling the request and sending a new one.

If you’ve tried messaging and still can’t get hold of your guest or reach an agreement, visit the Resolution Center or contact us.

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